Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage

30′ 30€

Our Indian Head Massage is one of the most beneficial therapies, both for your body and your mind.

The technique of the Indian Head Massage has its roots in Ayurveda, a very popular healing technique in India. These techniques try to heal a person by regarding him as three parallel entities. The mind, the body, and the soul.

The massage consists of gentle movements in the area of the face, the head, the neck, and the back. Its basic principle is that the therapist applies on these areas a series of variations in pressure and rhythm in order to relax the recipient completely. This massage is done with the thumb, the palm or the forearm. The result is better blood circulation in the head and the relief of the neck and shoulders. By relieving these areas of the body, the recipient comes one step closer to complete relaxation. The Indian Head Massage is ideal for people with muscle soreness, migraines, and headaches. 

Indian Head Massage puts the human head in the center of the therapist’s attention. The head contains some of the most important organs for human interaction (eyes, tongue, ears, etc). The purpose of this massage is to stimulate the function of these organs, which are closely connected with our organic, mental, and emotional health. Furthermore: 

– Improves blood circulation

– Expels toxins

– Strengthens the nervous system

– Rejuvenates the scalp

– Rejuvenates the skin

– Delays the signs of aging

– Tunes the body in higher energy levels