Facial treatment Zaitgard machines

Facial treatment Zaitgard machines

30′ 25€

Here at SevenOceans we offer a UNIQUE GADGET which can be your best beauty and anti-aging ally.

The cleaning method LR ZEITGARD Cleaning System is the perfect therapy for all your anti-ageing needs since the deep cleaning of the skin on your face is the most important step in preventing wrinkles.

The first machine will provide the deepest face cleaning you have ever experienced since the special brush which is utilized will gently remove a whole layer of dead cells from your face.

The second machine will drastically change the way your skin looks, because its extremely thin brush combined with the high number of turns will flatten and polish your skin, extinguishing in that way any wrinkles or scars. The results are impressive and are visible even from the first session.

We are waiting for you to come and try this therapy and be amazed by the results…